Trivia Round 2

National Parks - Hard

1. On July 10, 1913, Death Valley had the hottest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. What was it?
A: 134 F

2. What are the dunes at White Sands National Park made of?
A: Gypsum

3. What was the first National Park east of the Mississippi River?
A: Acadia (listed answer), Mackinac (objectively correct answer as written) - credit given for either

4. What year was that National Park established?
A: 1919 / 1875

5. Which National Park inspired the Thelma and Louise Half Marathon?
A: Canyonlands

6. At which National Park did Jack Kerouac work as a Park Service fire spotter?
A: North Cascades

7. How many states have a National Park?
A: 30

8. In what National Park were the oldest human bones in North America found?
A: Channel Islands

9. In 2014, Mount Rainier National Park was temporarily renamed what?
A: 12th Man National Park

10. Route 66 runs through which National Park?
A: Petrified Forest

General Knowledge

1. It is widely believed that silver was first discovered in what country?
A: Turkey

2. What Middle-earth metal resembles silver?
A: Mithril

3. What is a 100-sided die called?
A: Zocchihedron

4. What book begins "Howard Roark laughed."?
A: The Fountainhead

5. In her song "Tear In Your Hand", Tori Amos references what comic book?
A: The Sandman

6. A recent study revealed that what moon has all the ingredients for life?
A: Enceladus

7. What is the largest moon in our solar system?
A: Ganymede

8. What state capital has had catastrophic flooding this week?
A: Monpelier

9. At what music festival did Bob Dylan go electric for the first time?
A: Newport Folk Festival

10. Translate the following sentence into Spanish: "Sometimes, during sports and games, Matty cheats."
A: Matty es muy guapo y fuerte, y ganan todos los juegos. (no answer provided, using one of the responses, this is probably correct)

Kid's Stuff, TV, Movies

1. Who was experiment 626?
A: Stitch

2. What type of Pokemon is Fennekin?
A: Fire

3. What gift does Bruno from Encanto possess?
A: Seeing the future

4. In the Toy Story movies, what is the name of the pizzeria which appears in every movie?
A: Pizza Planet

5. On which planet does Peter Quill retrieve the orb containing the Power Stone?
A: Morag

6. Which group is always behind stealing Pikachu?
A: Team Rocket

7. What is WALL-E's favorite old movie?
A: Hello Dolly

8. What are the five emotions in Inside Out?
A: Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness

9. Who trained Hercules to be a hero?
A: Phil

10. What is Captain America's shield made out of?
A: Vibranium

Music - 1950s, 1960s, 2010-Now

1. Hey Baby, Bruce Channel

2. Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash

3. Voodoo Child, Jimi Hendrix

4. Gimmie Shelter, The Rolling Stones

5. Take Five, Dave Brubeck

6. Ramble On, Led Zeppelin

7. Howlin' for You, The Black Keys

8. As It Was, Harry Stiles

9. Willow, Taylor Swift

10. Knee Deep, Zac Brown Band

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